If you're unsure which package is for you, scroll to the bottom of the page to book a call with us!
If you know which package you want, hit buy now and we will be in touch with you soon!
For parents with babies age 4-18 months who are struggling with sleep or are just ready to introduce independent sleep!
Infant Basic
This package includes:
Assessment of your child’s sleep needs
A personalized sleep plan
Consultation phone call prior to beginning the plan
Access to a sleep app for logging progress
Phone check in on days 1, 5, 9 and 14 of training
Infant Complete
This package includes:
Assessment of your child’s sleep needs
A personalized sleep plan
Consultation phone call prior to beginning the plan
Access to a sleep app for logging progress
Daily check ins for 2 weeks and text support
Farewell package
Option to start support on a Friday
Infant Plus
This package includes:
Assessment of your child’s sleep needs
A personalized sleep plan
Consultation phone call prior to beginning the plan
Access to a sleep app for logging progress
Text support for 3 weeks
Farewell package
Option to begin support on a Friday
Text support on night 1 of sleep training